Other Family Members
NOTE: this picture, and the others on this page, are really old! The grandchild on the left has graduated college
and the one on the right is a college sophmore! (2024)

Two sons, spouses and six grandkids
Eric and Janet Lambert [ son and daughter-in-law ]

Eric is an attorney working and living in Minnesota. He also designs websites and loves a cappella singing. ("a cappella" is Italian for "without instruments".) He lives with his wife Janet (also an attorney) in the suburbs of Minneapolis with two boys Ryan (born November 11, 2004) and Joshua (born August 8, 2006)
Scott Lambert and Christina Meilander[ son and daughter-in-law ]
Scott teaches secondary school mathematics in Telluride, Colorado. He, his partner Chris and her son Noah, and Bryce (born December 14, 2001) and Hunter (born July 11, 2004) spend as much time as they can outdoors skiing, camping, fishing. Scott has joiined his life with Christina who brought to the household her son Noah (who is the same age as Hunter.) They have a daughter, Samantha (born May 4, 2013).
Howard Lambert [ Jon's brother ] and Pat Jarvis

Howie is a clinical psychologist with a private practice. He enjoys hiking, skiing and climbing (he has climbed all of the 14,000 foot peaks in Colorado!). Howie lived in Denver, Colorado for over 30 years and now lives in Boulder, Colorado with Pat Jarvis, a graphic designer, equestrian photographer and all-around horsewoman.
Roy Lambert [ cousin ]
A retired attorney, Roy enjoys swimming (participating in the Masters tournaments), fishing and "the great outdoors." Roy and his wife, Mary, live in Portland, Oregon.
Geri Lambert and John Aach [ cousin ]

Gerihas retired from Enviornmental Enforcement Division of the State of Massachusetts. She enjoys a multitude of outdoor activities and anything having to do with fish. Her husband, John Aach, works with the Harvard University Biogenetics Laboratory. They live in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.
Deborah Schreiber [ cousin ]
Deborah lives in Ventura, California. She is quite a gardener and is active in commuity activities.
Ed and Eli Goosmann [ Linda's brother and nephew]
Ed lives in Albany, New York and works as a nurse. He's also a volunteer fireman and ex-navy corpsman.
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